Preparing for Daylight Saving Time
As March approaches, it’s time to get ready for a seasonal change to spring forward into brighter days and longer evenings. On Sunday, March 30th, we will set our clocks forward, marking the start of Daylight Saving Time.
What Happens During Daylight Saving Time?
During this period, we “spring forward” by one hour, which means it’s essential to update the time on all of our manual clocks. This includes clocks in vehicles, ovens, microwaves, plug-in timers, outdoor lighting timers, and any other manual devices that depend on accurate timekeeping. Fortunately, most of your smart devices will automatically adjust the time overnight, so you may not need to do anything and might not even notice the change.
By taking a moment to adjust your manual timers, you can ensure that your daily routine remains seamless and efficient. This is also an excellent opportunity to check the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, as these are vital safety devices that should never be neglected.
Need Assistance?
If you require help with adjusting your manual timers, feel free to reach out to the Tectonic Team at 01323 644570 or send us an email through our contact page. We’re here to help!
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