Looking After The Elderly This Winter – Electrical Advice

Last year the NICEIC launched their #ElderlyCampaign to urge people to think about electrics when they carry out their checks on their elderly family and friends. Unfortunately older people suffer more fatal and non-fatal injuries from electrically- related house fires than the rest of the population, this is because they often live in older housing […]
Signtek’s Charity Golf Day For St Wilfred’s Hospice

The 15th September 2017 will be the 2nd year we have sponsored a hole for Signtek’s Charity Golf Day for St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Spend a day playing golf with your team from work, family and friends for the day at the Wellshurst Golf Club after getting a coffee and bacon roll on arrival. Not only […]
12 Years with Buy With Confidence Scheme

Has it really been 12 years? We remember when the Buy With Confidence started in Eastbourne through Trading Standards in 2005 when we first met Mina o’Brien (now Ditzy Media) who helped us from Trading Standards, and we are now going strong with 12 years. As a well-established local company and installers for Eastbourne and […]
Tectonic 2016 Highlights

2016 has been a great year for us, we’ve had lots of new projects with lots of local businesses to get them up and running, more training provided to our employees and exciting new beginnings for Tectonic itself. We wanted to show you just a handful of achievements and projects we’ve completed throughout 2016, as […]
Tectonic Christmas Advent Calendar

Our 2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Have you been seeing our photos on social media every day in December this year? Well here’s why #TectonicDoesAdvent This year we wanted to do something Christmasy for our customers via social media so we decided to start an advent calendar to share our Christmas spirit. So each day […]